Disponible en Español
Meeting of Experts on Document and Archive Management in Central Banks
October 16 - 18, 2023
Madrid, España
Monday, October 16
Welcome and opening of the meeting
Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General of the Bank of Spain and Roberto Marino, Advisor to the General Director of CEMLA welcomed the Meeting of Experts in Documents and Archives Management at Central Banks. They stressed that it is gratifying to see a significant number of distinguished participants, experts in the field of document management and archives in central banks, gathered at this meeting, which denotes the great interest in the subject.
They commented that the theme of the Meeting is of paramount importance to understand the functioning of modern central banking, especially the important role that transparency, access to information and communication have for the effective conduct of monetary policy and the behavior of inflation.
They mentioned that, at this meeting, the state of information management in Central Banks will be evaluated, what progress has been made in recent years and what are considered the best practices in this field. In this sense, the efficient and secure management of information, archiving processes and services, the challenges of digital transformation, the evolution in robotization and automation of processes, among others, will be presented and addressed.
They recalled that Central Banks have been working on document management initiatives for more than 15 years and that an important objective of the meeting is to diagnose what are the current needs and challenges of central banks in terms of document management and archives management. Certainly, cybersecurity and information protection are two of the great current and future challenges that central banks must address.
Regarding the management of archives, they commented that central banks have the responsibility to have impeccable archives so that there is testimony of the activities of the central bank in all areas of the organization, its decision-making process and its organization. Today, technology makes archives much more accessible to citizens and researchers. They stressed that the different initiatives that central banks are carrying out to disseminate their heritage will be addressed, from the use of institutional repositories to the production of publications and exhibitions.
Expectations about the meeting and presentation of the participants.
María de Inclán, Head of the Archives and Records Management Division of the Bank of Spain, gave a presentation highlighting the history of document management meetings, from the one held in Madrid in 2016, to the most recent ones in 2022 in San José, Costa Rica and the current Madrid 2023. She also presented the affiliation of participants in the Document Management Forum.
The main challenges for central banks in the 21st century. The relevance of document management policy. Introductory presentation and context.
Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General of the Bank of Spain, presented the paper "The main challenges of central banks in the 21st century". In his presentation, he highlighted the relevance of documentary policy. His presentation addressed the issues, challenges and future objectives of central banks in terms of documents management and archives. He commented on issues related to technological development and the consequences for central bank communication and the fact that we live in an information society where everyone is continuously connected. Regarding internal digital transformation, he commented that it is necessary to set clear objectives, create a corporate culture and enhance digital culture. He also commented on the main advances made by Central Banks in recent years: Greater independence of action. Better definition and execution of its functions. Greater coordination on monetary, exchange rate, financial stability, banking and payments sector supervision. Increased efforts in terms of transparency and communication. Relevance of the modernization and technological transformation of central banks. Importance of communication and horizontal structures to eliminate the culture of silos.
Organizacional and Service Model
Document and Archives Management Model at Banco de España: Regulations, Circulars and Ordinances.
María de Inclán. Head of the Archives and Document Management Division of the Bank of Spain, made a presentation with the context of the Bank of Spain, pointing out that it is the national central bank and, within the framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), the supervisor of the Spanish banking system together with the European Central Bank. She also presented the organizational chart, the organization, the pillars of the model, the e-government model and the regulations of the Bank of Spain.
The Bank of Spain Archive: past, present and future
Elena Serrano, head of the Historical and General Archive, presented the origins and evolution of the archive of the Bank of Spain, which was born with the Banco Nacional de San Carlos, its first predecessor, in 1782. She also commented on the content and organization of the archive, its openness to the public, research and researchers, and current and future objectives.
A debate was held on the Forum of Professionals in Document Management and Archives in TEAMS around its organization, good practices and programming.
Tuesday, October 17
Series Identification Processes
Documentary Maps
Paloma Gómez Pastor, an expert in document management, and Teresa Pastor Casares, a documentary technician, gave a presentation on "Series Identification Processes: Documentary Maps" which covered the documentary map and document management and the document model of the Bank of Spain.
Identification and Evaluation of Archive Series
Ana María Sánchez Blasco, Documentalist Technician, gave a presentation entitled "Identification of Archive Series". She highlighted the following challenges: underutilized information resources of the Archive, unstable and complex classification structure of the General Archive, lack of standardization in the naming of series and purification and standardization of information in the Archive Management System (documents not associated with series or Classification of documentary series).
Bank of Spain
Technological Model Functional and Technical Aspects of the COSMOS Document Management System and COSMOS and COSMOS /TEAMS Demo
José Ignacio Guerrero Martín, documentalist technician, gave a presentation entitled "Functional and Technical Aspects of the COSMOS Document Management System and COSMOS and COSMOS /TEAMS Demo".
Functional and technical aspects of the Filing System. ODILO
Raquel Jiménez del Cerro, documentalist technician, gave a presentation on the functional and technical aspects of the archive management system, SGA ODILIO. She commented on the general data of the Archive Management System, and the functional aspects of the archiving process, as well as the exploitation and improvement of the tool and its impact on archive projects.
Management of Changes and Dissemination, User Services, Change Management: Training and Communication
José María Fernández Garrido, an expert in document management, presented the implementation of COSMOS as a new document manager, highlighting that it is a new document manager after almost 15 years with the previous document management application at the Bank of Spain.
Daniel Llorens Espadafor, documentalist technician, gave a presentation entitled "Change Management and Dissemination: Services and User Management. He highlighted the types of services to users, the procedures and forms for requesting services and the management of incidents and resolution of doubts.
Teresa Urtiaga Lorenci, documentalist technician, presented "Change management and dissemination: user training in document management with cosmos". She highlighted the objectives and fundamental aspects of the COSMOS Training Plan, the articulation of courses and training materials in COSMOS and the user's access to the calendar of courses and training materials.
Unique projects of the Archive. Description and recovery of a unique collection: the Tribunal for the Extraordinary Exchange of Civil War Banknotes.
Rosario Calleja Martín, an expert in archives, gave a presentation entitled "Unique Projects of the Archive. Description and recovery of a unique collection: the Tribunal for the Extraordinary Exchange of Civil War Banknotes."
Projects for the dissemination of documents in the Historical Archive
Patricia Alonso del Torno, an expert in Documentary Heritage Archives at the Bank of Spain, presented "Projects for the dissemination of documents in the historical archive". She highlighted the archival treatment, conservation, digitization and dissemination treatments.
Round table moderated by the Bank of Spain on the experience of Central Banks in services and projects in the field of document management and archiving.
Initiatives, projects and services carried out by Central Banks were presented and discussed: Implementation of Archiving and Document Management Systems, simplification initiatives, change management projects, descriptive projects, regulatory initiatives, new services, etc.
Héctor Manuel Alvarado Ballén, director of the Department of Document Management, of the Bank of the Republic (Colombia), gave a presentation where he described the "Information Management Services Portal of the Bank of the Republic (Colombia).
Nancy Uriarte, Analyst of the General Secretariat of the Central Bank of Uruguay, made a presentation on "Application of the AtoM system for the management of the agreements signed by the BCU"
Paula Andrades, Head of the Strategic Planning Department of the Central Bank of Chile and Sandra Contreras, Head of the Access to Information Unit of the Central Bank of Chile, presented "Strategic Planning as a driver of projects in the documentary and regulatory field at the Central Bank of Chile"
Wednesday, October 18
Electronic Administration Services
Bank of Spain Electronic Office and Electronic Registry
Manuel García Ruiz, expert in document management and Mar Millán, document technician, gave a presentation on "Document entry: electronic office and electronic registry", they pointed out that electronic administration is the use of information technologies in the Public Administration to carry out its activity electronically, transforming traditional offices and converting paper processes into electronic processes. Their presentation included: Electronic Administration, Bank of Spain Electronic Administration Model, Regulatory Environment: Origin of e-Administration, General Documentation Entry Model, Electronic Office, and General Registry (face-to-face and electronic).
Guaranteed digitalization
Manuel García Ruiz, an expert in document management, gave a presentation entitled "Guaranteed digitalization: processes implemented at the Bank of Spain, Regulatory evolution", which included the following sections: Model development schedule, Model development philosophy, Definitions, Digitalization model: competencies, digitization processes: registration and administrative units, Implementation of the digitalization model, Digitalization process, Scenarios, tasks and final product, Statistical data, Success factors and benefits, opportunities and challenges.
Electronic Notification Service (SNE)
Isabel Zamora de Diego, documentalist
technician, gave a presentation on "Electronic Notification Service
(SNE)", which included: Introduction to the SNE application,
Characteristics of notifications and communications, SNE.
Application, Property tab, Notification example, Provisioning
email (notification), Provisioning mail (communication),
Document flow between applications, Statistical data, Benefits
of using the application.
Digital Transformation and Preservation at Banco de España
Ana Calleja Fernández. Head of the Document Management and Policy Unit, made a presentation entitled "Digital Transformation Program 2020-2024", which included the following sections: Digital Vision; The Digital Transformation Program; Identification of initiatives; Program Phases; Actuation levers; Draft definition and launch of the programme; Objectives; Introduction to Robotization Technologies
Demos: Registry / COSMOS Integration, Electronic Registry, Electronic Notification Service (SNE) / COSMOS
Projects: Robotization, Artificial Intelligence.
Marta Jiménez Martín, an expert in document management, gave a presentation on "Robotization and artificial intelligence", pointing out that the automation of processes is key in digital transformation, and as a result of this digital transformation that is being carried out at the Bank of Spain, robotization initiatives that are being implemented are becoming more and more frequent. Her presentation included the robotization process: Objective, Data extraction, Comparison of manual and robotic process. Artificial intelligence. Objective and Data Extraction.
Digital preservation actions
José Ignacio Guerrero Martín, documentalist technician, and Raquel Jiménez del Cerro, documentalist technician, gave a presentation entitled "Consultancy for the definition of the reference framework and roadmap for the development of digital preservation at the Bank of Spain. Analysis of information assets. Definition of an assessment procedure and initial conclusions". They commented that digital preservation is defined as the set of work techniques and procedures that aim to ensure that digital data can be accessed and used in the long term, even in the case that its computer environment has been modified. Specific actions whose ultimate and long-term purpose would be to ensure the permanence and access of the content of digital documents over time and technologies, regardless of their medium, format or system. To do this, they must be maintained, that is, they must be protected and safeguarded in advance and permanently; and in case of deterioration or damage we must try to restore them.
Roundtable on the experience of Central Banks in Digital Transformation and Preservation
Initiatives and projects related to digitalization, artificial intelligence, robotization, data management, electronic services, etc. were presented and discussed.
Central Bank of Costa Rica, Sandra González Camacho, Head of the Document Management Area and Yayner Sruh Rodríguez, Executive of the Central Archive Area, Transformation and Strategy Division, made a presentation entitled "Digital Transformation and Document Management in the Central Bank of Costa Rica", They commented on the actions of the BCCR in this regard, such as the definition of services: the service is usually a transversal process, document management is the evidence for the official and the institution of an adequate execution of their responsibilities: they are their assets of the process and that the assets at the end of their management term go to the digital archive (RIIDA).
Banco de la República (Colombia), Héctor Manuel Alvarado, Director of the Department of Document Management made a presentation on "Digital Preservation in Banco de la República, Colombia", he commented that the following problems were diagnosed: Incomplete statistics of digital objects; Absence of an institutional file format policy; Insufficient technical knowledge of file formats; Insufficient storage capacity; Documentary collections that can be integrated into a digital preservation system; Preservation of externally produced audiovisual and sound archives; no capacity for the management and dissemination of videos and podcasts; Maintaining the validity of digitally signed documentation; Preservation of information on social networks and websites.
Central Bank of Bolivia, Jimena Vaca Jurado, Deputy Manager of Document and Library Management, presented the Electronic Document Management Model of the Central Bank of Bolivia. Her presentation included: Context, Document management in the BCB, Digitization process, technological infrastructure for document management, systems used for document management, challenges and conclusions.
The meeting was closed by Francisco-Javier Priego. Secretary General of the Bank of Spain. Likewise, Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General of the Bank of Spain and Roberto Marino, Advisor to the General Management of CEMLA offered some final considerations.