Main Features of CEMLA's Activities
CEMLA' s program of activities is designed taking into accounbt opinions over the events held annually, as well as the projects jointly undertaken with international organizations. The main interest topics for the member central banks are detected through evaluation questionnaires answered and comments done by the participant officers; opinions regarding scheme and duration of the activities are also considered.
Courses and Seminars
In general, CEMLA's training activities can be divided in two main groups: One for those programs the Center offers to its members with scheduled dates and determined venues, and other for those developed as per requests received during the budgetary exercise.
Summons to the member entities to propose participants, as well as the final programs and schedules of activities are sent approximately two months in advance to the beginning of each program. These training activities are directed exclusively to officers of CEMLA's members and will not require registration fee.
Regarding the programs that CEMLA develops upon request of its members, lecturers are selected among CEMLA's officers, specialists working at our member institutions, international organization officers and, exceptionally, external consultants. The expenses of these courses are covered by the requesting institution, and these include the costs for transportation, travel expenses and fees (if it is the case) of the convened specialists, if they are not CEMLA's staff members. The programs are given in the language requested by the host, though most of the activities are in Spanish or English.
International Meetings
CEMLA acts as Technical Secretariat of the regional monetary authorities meetings, in the same way, supports to the meetings held by officers with direct responsibilities on specific areas and issues of the members institutions. The programs and methodology of these meetings are developed by committees that identify the interest topics to be discussed in the events; additionally, and when the characteristics of the meetings request it, working groups perform the tasks programmed by the committees and the results are presented in plenary meeting sessions
Technical Assistance
The projects developed by CEMLA are focused on regional and sub-regional interest topics. Technical assistance is performed according to the requests made by the member institutions and looking for the greatest interaction between the monetary authority officers. External consultants are called only when there are no other possibilities among member central banks.