Central Bank Researchers Network of the Americas

In an era of continuous globalization, the central banks of the Americas face concerns, issues and problems of a similar nature. They involve, among many others, topics such as monetary policy transmission mechanisms; financial liberalization of the banking sectors; evaluation of optimal responses in the context of growing competition in the banking and financial sectors; effectiveness of regulatory and supervisory monetary policies; credit and financial policies; contagion effects throughout the region; evaluation of the determinants of interest rates and exchange rates in economies that seek an internationalization of their activities; regulation and estimation of market risks, and appropriate policies regarding the privatization of companies linked to the banking and financial sector, among others.

The optimal solution to problems in these areas requires high-quality, active and systematic research. It is here that the experience shared with other researchers in the region takes on a unique and real value, because the efforts of those trying to achieve efficient solutions would be enhanced through the collaboration with other researchers. It is within this framework that the central banks of Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Chile, Ecuador, Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela participated, together with representatives of the Federal Reserve System and the Bank of Canada, in the constitutive session of the Network of Researchers of Central Banks of the American Continent (The Network) that took place  in Mexico City on October 17, 1996. The Network favors the expansion of periodic direct contacts between the different research departments of the central banks of the region and the rest of the academic, banking and professional community, with the aim of sharing experiences on topics that are priorities for central banks.



  • XXV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 29–30, 2020, (digital format)

  • XXIV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 30–31, 2019, Madrid, Spain

  • XXIII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 15–16, 2018, Mexico City

  • XXII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 2–3, 2017, Bogota, Colombia

  • XXI Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 7– 8, 2016, Brasilia, Brazil

  • XX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 26–27, 2015, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

  • XIX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 13–14, 2014, Mexico City

  • XVIII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    November 11–12, 2013, Mexico City

  • XVII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 21–23, 2012, Montevideo, Uruguay

  • XVI Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 16–18, 2011, Bogota, Colombia 

  • XV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network  
    November 3–5, 2010, La Paz, Bolivia

  • XIV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 11–13, 2009, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil

  • XIII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 5–7, 2008, Mexico City

  • XII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    November 5–7, 2007, Madrid, Spain

  • XI Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    November 22–24, 2006, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • X Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 5–7, 2005, Lima, Peru

  • IX Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    November 1–3, 2004, San Jose, Costa Rica

  • VIII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    November 12–14, 2003, Caracas, Venezuela

  • VII Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    November 20–22, 2002, Guatemala, Guatemala  

  • VI Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network 
    October 17–18, 2001, Montevideo, Uruguay

  • V Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 16–17, 2000, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 

  • IV Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 20–21, 1999, Santiago de Chile 

  • III Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 21–22, 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • II Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 1–2, 1997, Bogota, Colombia

  • I Meeting of the Central Bank Researchers Network
    October 16–17, 1996, Mexico City