Disponible en Español
Course on Monetary and Financial Statistics
February 24 - 28, 2025
CEMLA Mexico City, Mexico
Organizing Institutions
Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.
Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI)
The course content is based on the 2016 Monetary and Financial Statistics Manual and Compilation Guide (MFSMCG). The course will pay special attention to the characteristics of the central bank and other depository corporations (such as commercial banks, money market mutual funds, and financial cooperatives, among others), the typical balance sheet structure, and the role of money issuers in the financial sector. It also covers topics related to recent financial innovation, such as Fintech, e-money and crypto assets. The course consists of lectures and case studies to familiarize participants with the practical aspects of compiling monetary statistics for (DCs).
The course considers the fundamentals of the compilation of monetary statistics, with special attention to depository corporations (DCs). At the end of the course, participants should count with a detailed understanding of the role of DCs in the financial sector and the implications related to data collection for monetary and financial statistics purposes. In addition, they will be able to distinguish between the different types of DCs and compile their statistics according to the IMF's standardized report forms for central bank and other depository corporations, respectively.
Aimed at
Officials from central banks and supervisory and regulatory agencies responsible for compiling and analyzing monetary and financial statistics (MFS).
Jesús Cervantes González
Directorate of Economic Statistics