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VI Meeting of Heads of Financial Risk Management at Central Banks
June 17 - 18, 2025
Brasilia, Brazil
Face-to-face format
The Meeting is organized by a permanent working group lead by the central banks of Chile, Costa Rica, Spain, and Mexico under the coordination of CEMLA and aims to maintain a platform for the exchange of experiences among financial risk units to address current and emerging challenges for the financial risk management of CEMLA member central banks.
This year's meeting, jointly organized by CEMLA and the Banco Central do Brasil, will take place in Brasilia on June 17 -18, 2025 in a face-to-face format. The meeting objective addresses current and emerging challenges for central banks’ financial risk management. The agenda includes sessions on artificial intelligence and risk management, ESG, asset allocation, stress, FX and interest rate risks, and declining cash use on central banks. This meeting is aimed at senior staff members from central banks and supervisory authorities with leading positions in financial risk management units.