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XI Financial Information Forum of Latin American and the Caribbean Central Banks

June 5 - 6, 2025
Santiago, Chile
Face-to-face format

This annual meeting brings together the heads of the financial statistics units of CEMLA member institutions to discuss significant advances in the field of information systems, with a focus on the monitoring of financial systems. The meeting brings together experts who lead the statistics units of central banks and multilateral organizations to exchange experiences and inform CEMLA members of the latest advances in the development of financial information systems in central banking. This forum takes place within the framework of a permanent working group coordinated by the central banks of Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Peru.

This year the event is being organized between CEMLA and the Banco Central de Chile and will be held in a face-to-face format on June 5-6, 2025. The agenda will include sessions on data science for central banks, digitalization in markets and payments, data collaboration, data innovation for sustainable finance, cross-border financial transactions, and credit and derivatives repositories.

This meeting is aimed at senior staff members from central banks and supervisory authorities with leading positions in statistical and information system units with a background in financial statistics.