CEMLA 60th Anniversary Conference Central Bank Cooperation at the Beginning of the 21st Century
On July 19 and 20 a Conference on Central Bank Cooperation at the Beginning of the 21st Century took place in Mexico City to commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies. The Center was established in September 1952 by the central banks of Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico as associated members, and the ECLAC as collaborating member. Participants at the Conference included governors and authorities of CEMLA’s associate and collaborating institutions, as well as representatives of some extra-regional central banks and international organizations such as the BIS, Consejo Monetario Centroamericano, IADB, IMF, The SEACEN Centre and the World Bank. A number of special guests who have supported the Center’s activities in different periods also attended the meeting.
Palabras de apertura
Javier Guzmán, Director General, CEMLA -
Cooperación Técnica entre Bancos Centrales: El caso del CEMLA
Javier Guzmán, Director General, CEMLA -
Central bank cooperation: reflections on the experience of the last eight decades
Jaime Caruana, General Manager of the BIS -
Caveat Creditor
Philip Turner, Deputy Head, Monetary and Economic Department, BIS -
La Cooperación entre Bancos Centrales: una perspectiva latinoamericana
Dr. José Darío Uribe, Gerente General, Banco de la República -
The Experiences of Emerging and Developing Economies
Dr. Emsley Tromp, President of the Centrale Bank van Curacao en Sint Maarten -
Global financial stability and the cooperation among central banks: What have we learned?
Rodrigo Vergara, Presidente, Banco Central de Chile -
Technical Central Bank Cooperation (TCBC) among Central Banks
Jürgen Sterlepper, Director of the Centre for Technical Central Bank Cooperation, Deutsche Bundesbank -
Global Financial Stability and Central Bank Cooperation – Lessons Learned
Marc-Olivier Strauss-Kahn, Director General, Banque de France -
Responses to the euro area crisis
Benoît Coeuré, Member of the Executive Board European Central Bank -
Central Bank Cooperation in Times of Crisis
Elizabeth Duke, Governor, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System -
IMF Institute-CEMLA Training
Jorge Roldos, Assistant Director IMF Institute for Capacity Development -
Inter-regional Financial Cooperation: Another Layer of Financial Cooperation towards Financial Stability
Kiyohiko G. Nishimura, Deputy Governor, Bank of Japan -
The Experience of Emerging and Developing Economies
Nor Shamsiah Yunus, Deputy Governor, Bank Negara Malaysia -
La cooperación entre bancos centrales a principios del Siglo XXI
Agustín Carstens, Gobernador del Banco de México -
Estabilidad financiera global y cooperación entre bancos centrales: ¿Qué hemos aprendido?
Manuel Sánchez González, Subgobernador del Banco de México -
Central Bank Cooperation in Times of Crises: Lessons from the Recent Experience
Pedro Duarte Neves, Deputy Governor, Banco de Portugal -
International Monetary Stability and Central Bank Cooperation
Daniel Heller, Director, International Monetary Cooperation, Swiss National Bank -
Hacia dónde se dirige la cooperación entre bancos centrales
Mario Bergara, Presidente, Banco Central del Uruguay -
International monetary stability and central bank cooperation
Paulo Vieira da Cunha, Partner & Head of Research – Emerging Markets, Tandem Global Partners