Committee of Deputies
Mexico City, Mexico, 30 August 2019
On 30 August, 2019, the Committee of Deputies met in Mexico City, Mexico. Attending the event were Ariana Destefanis, Deputy Manager, International Relations and Agreements of the Banco Central de la República Argentina; Latoya J. Smith, Economist, Research Department, The Central Bank of The Bahamas; João Barroso, Head, International Affairs Department, Banco Central do Brasil; representing the Banco de la República were Andrés Murcia, Director, International Affairs Unit of said Bank and Alejandra Rozas, International Relations Advisor, Banco Central de Chile; Belkis Douglas, Accounting Director,Banco Central de Cuba; Elvis Casco, Head, Research Department, Banco Central de Honduras; on behalf of Banco de México, Gerardo Zúñiga, Director of International Affairs, Javier Pérez Estrada, Manager of International Economic Affairs, Thelma Armendáriz, Deputy Manager of International Organizations, and, Fausto Valenzuela, Economist at the Directorate for International Affairs.
Collaborating members were represented by José Dorich, Director of the Model Development Division in the Canadian Economic Analysis Department, Bank of Canada; and Christiane Irache, Head of the International Cooperation Unit, Department for International and European Relations at the Banco de España.
On behalf of CEMLA were Manuel Ramos-Francia, Director General; Santiago García-Verdú, Research Advisor; Serafín Martínez-Jaramillo, Research Advisor; Jesús Cervantes, Economic Statistics Manager and Coordinator of the Forum on Remittances in Latin America and the Caribbean; Luis Arturo Jiménez, Technical Meetings Manager and Javier Granguillhome, Administration and Finance Manager.
During the session, several topics were addressed, among which the Preliminary Programme of Activities and Requested Budget for the Center for 2020 stands out.