Disponible en Español
XV Meeting of Central Bank Internal Auditors
CEMLA and Banco Central de Chile.
Sessions will consist of presentations by international experts in the field of auditing, as well as by the participants themselves, who will have the opportunity to share their experiences in the field.
Deepen in some of the main topics of interest for those in charge of the audit areas at the central banks, particularly in cybersecurity matters; the compliance activities in central banks; the role of auditing in governance activities of central banks; risk appetite (methodology, management and interaction with the evolution of audit functions), and ethics programs (ethics committees and denunciation channels).
Aimed at
Heads of the audit areas of the Associate and Collaborating Central Banks members of CEMLA.
Luis Arturo Jiménez Ramírez
Advisor to the Directorate General
Phone: +52 (55) 5061-6679
E-mail: lajimenez@cemla.org