Course on Model-Based Monetary Policy and Forecasting
February 8-12, 2021
Monday, February 8
Testing Connectivity Issues
Opening Session
Mr. Christian Johnson
Senior Economist, IMF Institute of Capacity Development
Mr. Santiago Garcia Verdú
Mr. Ruy Lama
Senior Economist, IMF Institute of Capacity Development
Mr. Juan Pablo Medina
Consultant, IMF Institute of Capacity Development and Associate Professor, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez
Pre-course Test Session
Session 1: Forecasting and Policy Analysis System (FPAS)
Forecasting and Policy Analysis System (FPAS)
Mr. Christian Johnson
- FPAS components: databases, monitoring and reporting, short- and medium-term forecasting, communication and decision making
- The role of the quarterly projection model (QPM)
Session 2: CPI Components and their Relative Prices
CPI Components and their Relative Prices
Mr. Ruy Lama
- Core, food, and energy: inflation components and relative prices
- Shocks to CPI components, first and second-round effects, policy responses
- Transitory and permanent shocks in relative prices
Workshop: CPI Components and their Relative Prices
- Model extension with CPI components and relative prices
- Shocks in the QPM with CPI components
Tuesday, February 9
Session 3: Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes
Alternative Exchange Rate Regimes
Mr. Ruy Lama
- Exchange rate management
- The exchange rate as an operational target
- FX interventions
Workshop: Model Properties under Different Policy Regimes
- Transmission of shocks in the model
Wednesday, February 10
Session 4: Extending the Core Model: Fiscal Policy
Extending the Core Model: Fiscal Policy
Mr. Christian Johnson
- Fiscal rules and fiscal accounting
- Long term trends and crowding out
- Simulations
Workshop: Fiscal Extension
- Fiscal satellite module codes
- Fiscal expansion/consolidation scenarios
Thursday, February 11
Session 5: Macroeconomic Projections, Risk Analysis under Uncertainty (I)
Macroeconomic Projections, Risk Analysis under Uncertainty (I)
Mr. Juan Pablo Medina
- Building macro scenarios for policy dialogue
- Workshop: Scenario Formulation and Policy Analysis
- Baseline forecast
Friday, February 12
Session 6: Macroeconomic Projections, Risk Analysis under Uncertainty (II)
Macroeconomic Projections, Risk Analysis under Uncertainty (II)
Mr. Juan Pablo Medina
- Baseline forecast and alternative scenarios: COVID-19
Workshop: Scenario Formulation and Policy Analysis
- Design of alternative scenarios: COVID-19
Post-course Test and Course Evaluation
Closing Session