Disponible en Español
VII Meeting of Experts on the Fight against Money Counterfeiting
October 21 - 22, 2021
Digital format
Thursday, 21st October
Welcome and opening
- · Mª Concepción Jiménez, Directorate General Cash and Branches - Banco de España.
- · Helena Tejero, Director of the Cash and Issue Department - Banco de España.
- · D. Roberto Marino, Advisor to the director general - CEMLA.
Executive Summary; International statistics on cash counterfeiting and the impact of the pandemic (results of the tour de table on line)
- · Beatriz García, Head of the Cash Technical Division - Banco de España.
Law enforcement against counterfeiters
- · Micaela Méndez, Director of Investigations of Economic Crime - OCN Argentina.
- · Edgardo Álvarez, Head of the Counterfeiting Crimes Investigation Division - Argentina Federal Police.
· Verónica Balbontín,
In charge of Counterfeit Banknote Management
- Banco Central de Chile.
Updating the regulation to prevent counterfeiting -
· Ricardo Trejo,
Head of the Evaluation and Counterfeit Analysis Office
- Banco de México.
SIVA, Automatic visual inspection system -
· Juan Ramirez Andueza,
- OCN Perú.
Civil damages claimed against the counterfeiter
Friday, 22nd October
Identified developments in the technics used by the counterfeiters in the last three years
- · Martin Münd, Expert on counterfeit banknote. Counterfeit Analysis Centre (CAC) - European Central Bank.
· Jesús Félix,
- Banco de México.
The role of the statistic and data mining in the fight against counterfeiting - · Hugo Ramos Espinoza, Head of the Technical Area - OCN Perú.
Impact of the training to combat counterfeiting
· Juan Pablo Reyna,
Deputy Manager of the Currency Counterfeiting
– Banco de México.
The impact of training on the currency authentication by cash users -
· Juan Pablo Garnacho,
Banknote Analysis Unit
- Banco de España.
Detection test: Influence of training on the identification of counterfeit- banknotes
Conclusions and closure
Banco de España
Concha Jiménez was appointed Director General Cash and Branches of the Banco de España in 2017. She has also been the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Banco de España Printing Works, IMBISA, since 2015. At the ECB-European System of Central Banks, she is a member of the Banknote Committee and of the Eurosystem Production and Procurement System Steering Committee. She is a member of the Central Bank Counterfeit Deterrence Group, of the Executive Committee of the Banknote Reproduction Research Centre and of the Policy Committee and the Advisory Group of the European Banknote Conference. Previously, she was Associate Director General Cash Management and, prior to that, Director of the Operations Department of the Banco de España.
Concha graduated in Economics from Universidad Complutense de Madrid in 1979 and is a Public Accountant, and completed the Management Program at the IESE Business School. To complete her professional background, she was awarded several international scholarships.
Advisor to the director general of CEMLA. In 2011 and 2012, Roberto Marino was The Special Representative for the Presidency of the G20 in Mexico. Its main functions were to promote an open dialogue with non-G20 countries, international and regional organizations, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other members of civil society. Until mid-2011, Mr. Marino was Manager of International Affairs at the Bank of Mexico. In the early nineties, he was executive director representing Mexico, Spain, Venezuela and Central America on the IMF's executive board, actively participating in the debates on the economic prospects of the Mexican economy, the design of adjustment programs, issues of over-indebtedness in Latin America, fiscal consolidation and banking crisis, among other topics. He has also been a senior fellow at the German Development Institute, where he conducted research on the IMF's pre-emptive lending facilities.
Mr. Marino undertook doctoral studies in Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and earned his bachelor's degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
Beatriz García
Banco de España
Degree in Industrial Engineering, specialty industrial organisation (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia) and Industrial Technical Engineer, specialised in mechanical engineering (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid). Master´s degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Politécnica de Comillas and Management Development Programme at IESE School of Business. Before joining Banco de España, she worked as engineering project manager and responsible for the manufacturing organisation at the German multinational company Robert Bosch in Madrid. She joined Banco de España in 2004, as assessment systems expert in the Human Resources and Organization Department. In 2010, she joined the Cash and Issue Department, where she has been involving in several areas as manager. For nine months, she was commissioned in the Cash Department at the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Since 2018, she is Head of the Cash Technical Division, being responsible for the areas of Banknote Analysis, Coin Analysis and the Cash Circulation Technology Unit.
Micaela Méndez
OCN Argentina
Micaela Laura Mendez lawyer from the University of Buenos Aires Works as Director of Investigations of Economic Crimes of the Ministry of Security of the Argentine Nation, and she is in charge of conducting the National Central Office Fight Against Counterfeiting Currency (OCN Argentina). Where it intervenes in the planning of all complex crime investigation activities and committed by organized crime in the field of the Police and Security Forces, executes specific prevention mechanisms in the commission of economic crimes and articulates actions with local, provincial and national government agencies that are linked to the economic crimes investigated in the Argentine Republic.
Edgardo Álvarez
Policía Federal Argentina
Since 2018 Head of the Counterfeiting Crimes Investigation Division. Previously, he held the positions of Head of the Division and Operations in the Department of the Federal Unit for counterfeiting crimes and Head of the Currency Counterfeiting Division, among others.
As for his extensive experience as a teacher, he teaches courses on economic crimes at PRO.NA.CAP under the Ministry of Justice and Security of the nation and the University of La Matanza. He is also a teacher of the Argentine Federal Police in courses on currency counterfeiting and economic crimes. Teacher at the Youth Olympics Cashier Pound Sterling Detection Course.
He has taken different courses, including: Interpol criminal intelligence course (2012); Training sessions organized by the B.I.B.E (Bank of Spain investigation brigade) at Europol (European Police) and OLAF (anti-fraud office) Madrid - Brussels 2011; Update on criminal investigation on money laundering and terrorist financing, issued by the asset investigations division (Arg Federal Police); Course on operational verification of Iberpol documents (Ibero-American school of permanent secretary police) (Ávila, Spain); U.S currency training seminar, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve system and the embassy of the USA in Buenos Aires.
Banco de Chile
Verónica Balbontín is a Criminalist from Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana specialized in Criminal Prevention and Investigation.
She joined the Central Bank of Chile in 2013 as part of the Currency Research and Development Department and is currently in charge of Counterfeit Banknote Management. Previously she worked for more than 20 years with the country's Law Enforcement Carabineros de Chile with responsibilities in crime prevention, analysis of documents and manuscripts and Organized Crime Investigation.
Banco de México
Ricardo, Head of the Evaluation and Counterfeit Analysis Office, holds a degree in Biological and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. In Banco de México since 2003, he has specialized in several topics related to currency counterfeiting.
Trained in Mexico and abroad in several areas such as chemistry, graphic arts and design and banknotes’ identification.
Juan Ramírez Andueza
OCN Perú
Juan Ramírez Andueza, is an official of the BCRP assigned as President of the OCN. He is an economist with a Masters in Economics from the University of Manchester (UK).
He held the managerial position in different areas of the BCRP related to banknotes and coins; administration of international reserves and monetary operations and payment system, from 1991 to 2016.
He is responsible for the analysis of the damages and losses (civil damages) of the counterfeiting of banknotes and coins to the State presented in the legal proceedings against the counterfeiters.
Banco Central Europeo
Martin Münd was born in Mannheim, Germany in 1964. He started printing at the age of 12 in a voluntary workshop at school and went on to establish his own little print shop as a side business in the cellar of his parents‘ house. He studied printing technology at the “Fachhochschule für Druck” in Stuttgart, Germany and graduated as a printing engineer in 1995. For four years he was employed in the process engineering department of a major manufacturer of electric appliances as an expert on printing and marking technologies. In 1999 he followed his life long passion and fascination for banknotes by joining the counterfeit money department of Deutsche Bundesbank. In 2001 he moved on to the European Central Bank and has since been working at the ECB’s Counterfeit Analysis Centre (CAC) as an expert on counterfeit banknotes.
Jesús Félix
Banco de México
Jesús has more than eight years of experience building mathematical and statistical models about trends of currency counterfeiting, within Banco de México.
Graduated cum laude from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México as a Mathematician, he also holds a Master's degree in Operations Research.
Ramos Espinoza
OCN Perú
Hugo Ramos Espinoza is a BCRP official, assigned to the OCN as Head of the Technical Area. He is an industrial engineer with high experience in the analysis of counterfeits of banknotes and coins, in soles and foreign currency, and of machinery, equipment and supplies seized from counterfeiters in police interventions.
He is responsible when an expert opinion with legal value is requested by justice operators.
Pablo Reyna
Banco de México
With a 30-years professional career at Banco de México, Juan Pablo has held different positions within the Directorate General of Currency Issuance and the Directorate of Security. He currently serves as Deputy Manager of the Currency Counterfeiting Subdivision.
He holds a BSc in Applied Mathematics and Computing Science from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, a MSc in Artificial Intelligence from the University of Edinburgh, and an Executive Specialization in Criminalistic from the Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Penales (Mexico).
Pablo Garnacho
Banco de España
Banknote Analysis Unit. Juan Pablo studied Chemical Engineering at the Universidad Complutense in Madrid. He started his career in the graphic arts industry and continued in a company which produces security printing inks. In 2007 he joined Banco de España as analyst of counterfeits. He has collaborated in various R&D projects in the Cash and Issue Department. Since 2015, he represents Banco de España in the Counterfeit Resilience Test Team (CRTT) of the European System of Central Banks, which is in charge of assessing the resilience of new banknote security features against counterfeiting.