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Recent Topics in the Compilation of Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Statistics
Virtual Format, January 25 – 27, 2021.
Organizing Institutions
International Monetary Found and CEMLA.
The seminar will count with the participation and presentations of officials from CEMLA, the IMF, the OECD, the Banco de España and some central banks and statistical institutes of the region on the problems that have been faced in the compilation of international accounts statistics as a result of the pandemic COVID-19 and the way it has been dealt with.
The seminar will dedicate attention to the improvements that have been achieved in the compilation of some items of the balance of payments and the international investment position, such as greater coverage and better quality of items already captured, or by compiling new items or those showing a growing importance, such as the related to digital commerce.
To promote an exchange of experiences among the participants which will contribute to the identification of best practices for compiling the statistics of international accounts
Aimed at
Officials of the central banks of Latin America and the Caribbean and of other institutions that participate in the compilation and analysis of the international accounts, in particular, those of the balance of payments and the international investment position.
Jesús Cervantes
Economic Statistics Division
Salvador A. Bonilla Leal
Economic Statistics Division