Seminar on remittances, migration and gender. Presentation of the study carried out by CEMLA, IDB Lab and Banorte
May 31, 2021
Organizing Institutions
During the seminar the main conclusions and results of the study carried out based on remittance data from Banorte, one of the main remittance service providers in Mexico, will be presented and discussed in relation to the characteristics of the remittances according to the gender of the senders and recipients.
The objective of the seminar is to present the main results of a study on the case of Mexico carried out jointly by CEMLA, BID-Lab, and Banorte.
Aimed at
Professionals from the central banks of Latin America and the Caribbean, from the superintendencies of banks and supervisory agencies of the financial sector responsible for the measurement, analysis, or regulation of these flows; representatives of the industry of remittances and specialists in population and migration statistics.
Jesús Cervantes
Economic Statistics Directorate
Rene A. Maldonado
Coordinator of the Remittances and Financial Inclusion Program