Roundtable on the effects of COVID-19, on Migration, Remittances and Financial Inclusion

May 14, 2021, Videoconference.


Organizing Institutions



During the event, elements will be presented to evaluate the effects of the pandemic on remittances and the financial inclusion of migrants from Latin America and the Caribbean, from the point of view of central banks. There will be presentations on the general behavior of remittances in the region, as well as specific cases of representative countries of the different subregions: Mexico, Central America and, South America.


To exchange opinions and analysis on aspects such as the evolution of remittances received by the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean during 2020 and in the first months of 2021; the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on these flows, other factors identified that have influenced the evolution of remittances and the policies developed to lessen the effects of the pandemic on remittance flows.

Aimed at

Professionals from the central banks of Latin America and the Caribbean, from the superintendencies of banks and supervisory agencies of the financial sector responsible for the measurement, analysis, or regulation of remittances; representatives of the industry and specialists in population and migration statistics.


Rene A. Maldonado
Coordinator of the Remittances and Financial Inclusion Program

Salvador A. Bonilla Leal
Directorate of Economic Statistics