Seminar on the results of the migration, remittances and financial inclusion surveys collected from Costa Rican emigrants and Nicaraguans

June 24, 2021


Organizing Institutions

Banco Central de Costa Rica, CEMLA and BID_LAB.


This event allows the dissemination of the data from the surveys, including information on the sending of remittances, the profile of the migrant surveyed, the characteristics and value of the remittances, the financial inclusion of the sender. and the recipient of remittances, the homeownership of these groups, the method of sending the remittances, among others.


Present the main results of the surveys that were applied at border points of Costa Rica to Nicaraguan immigrants when they temporarily returned to their country of origin during the end of 2019, on the occasion of the end of the year festivities. Likewise, will be presented the results of the surveys collected at the international airport of the city of Costa Rica in the same period, to Costa Rican migrants visiting their country of origin.

Aimed at

Officials from the central banks of Latin America and the Caribbean and other institutions that participate in the compilation, preparation, and analysis of remittance statistics; to officials of the entities involved in the regulation and supervision of remittances and of those responsible for compiling information on migration in each country of the region. Likewise, the event is aimed at remittance market operators including banks, remittance companies, and all those entities that participate in the remittance payment chain.


Salvador A. Bonilla Leal
Economic Statistics Directorate

Rene A. Maldonado
Coordinator of the Remittances and Financial Inclusion Program