Seminar on Use of Surveys by Central Banks

July 5 – 7, 2021.

Organizing Institutions



Central banks conduct a wide range of surveys for the fulfillment of their duties. Particularly important are, among others, those related to the compilation of data for the measurement of economic aggregates, such as the production of different sectors, including services; conjunctural surveys; purchasing managers indexes (PMI´s); surveys on investment projects, including those relating to foreign direct investment; on consumer confidence and on economic conditions of consumers and households; surveys to develop indicators of business conditions and sentiment, as well as the outlook for business activity; surveys of economic expectations and forecasts; surveys on monetary and financial conditions, including credit supply and demand conditions and credit cost; surveys on firms´ foreign indebtedness; surveys to measure revenues and expenditures from international travelers; surveys on workers’ remittances, including the component in cash and kind; and surveys on currency issues, for instance to measure the need of cash balances, the perceptions of households about the quality of bills and coins in circulation, etc.


Exchange experiences regarding the various surveys that are collected by central banks. Central bank representatives will present one or more of the major surveys carried out by their institutions, highlighting the most important characteristics of the surveys, considering, among other things, the innovative aspects of their methodology and topics, as well as their coverage, periodicity, sampling framework, analysis of results and dissemination strategy.

Aimed at

Officials from Latin American and Caribbean Central Banks that are directly responsible for the surveys’ design, implementation, processing and analysis, as well as to those specialists from economic research areas.


Jesús Cervantes
Directorate of Economic Statistics

Salvador A. Bonilla Leal
Directorate of Economic Statistics