Disponible en Español

XVI Meeting of Monetary Policy Managers

September 13 – 14, 2021 


Organizing Institutions

Banco de la República (Colombia) and CEMLA.


The following topics will be discussed:

  • - Monetary Policy, A Bird's-Eye View
  • - Monetary Policy in EMEs in the times of COVID-19
  • - Keynote Presentations
  • - General Discussion: Monetary Policy Challenges and Outlook

The objective of this meeting is to discuss monetary policy challenges in emerging market economies in the times of COVID-19.

Aimed at

This meeting is aimed at the senior officials responsible for the design, execution and analysis of the monetary policy and researchers from CEMLA's central banks membership.


Dr. Santiago García Verdú
Advisor to the Director General / Research Economist
Phone: +52 (55) 5061-6635
Email: sgarciav@cemla.org