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CEMLA Course: Financial Mathematics
November 15 - 19, 2021
Organizing Institutions
Banco Central de Chile
Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.
Session 1: Brownian processes and Itô calculus
Session 2: Black and Scholes valuation, and risk neutral valuation
Session 3: Asset pricing models and applications
Session 4: Kolmogorov equations and dynamic programming
Session 5: Numerical methods and implementation in Python
The objective of this course is to provide participants with tools from the subject of financial mathematics - with a focus on continuous-time stochastic calculus-, underscoring applications to central banking.
Aimed at
The Course is aimed at analysts, junior researchers and mid-level officials in economic research, financial stability and risk management or related areas from CEMLA’s central banks membership.
Nelson Ramírez Rondán
Directorate of Economic Research