Disponible en Español

IV Financial Stability Course

October 24 - 28, 2022
Madrid, Spain


Eventos 2022

The course was held in person in Madrid-Spain on October 24-28, 2022. It was attended by 19 representatives from 12 institutions and associates of CEMLA, representing 8 Latin-American and Caribbean countries, 3 European countries, and 1 Asian country.

The course covered the following topics:

  • Key definitions and metrics on financial stability and foundations of macroprudential regulation.
  • The principles of the economics of digital currencies and the crypto ecosystem, its interaction with central banks and the potential implications on financial stability.
  • An introduction to financial stability monitoring and Growth-at-Risk models.
  • The use and applications of panel data analysis in financial stability and policy evaluation.
  • An introduction to the design of stress tests. Also, attendees participated in an interactive session in which they engaged a simulation highlighting important policy and methodological decisions made during the design and implementation of stress tests. Finally, applications and experiences from the stress testing conducted by Banco de España were presented.

The course agenda included sessions imparted by 14 lecturers from 3 institutions: 2 from CEMLA, 11 from Banco de España, and 1 from the University of Basel.