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Workshop on Growth-at-Risk applications

CEMLA Mexico City, Mexico
March 3, 2022
Hybrid event

Organizing Institutions

Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.

  1. Opening remarks
  2. CEMLA C-GARP: Overview and applications for central banks;
  3. Keynote speech: GaR models – applications and challenges
  4. Experiences with GaR applications for policy analysis
  5. Constructing financial stress indices for GaR models
  6. Experience with GaR models in Latin America and the Caribbean

The workshop aims at discussing recent advances in the application of growth-at-risk models for policy analysis, with a focus on financial stability and macroprudential questions.

Aimed at

Mid-level technical or senior officials in areas related to financial stability and research departments of CEMLA member central banks and collaborating institutions.


Matías Ossandón Busch
Directorate of Financial Stability