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Course on External Debt Statistics
CEMLA Mexico City, Mexico
October 17 - 21, 2022
Organizing Institutions
Centro de Estudios Monetarios Latinoamericanos, A. C.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
The Course will cover the recent developments in the global financial market (disintermediation process, moving away from traditional cross-border investment vehicles, etc.) and their effect on the compilation of EDS; implementation of EDS 2013 Guide and how to guarantee coherence and comparability between external debt statistics and other macroeconomic statistics (balance of payments, IIP, public finance statistics and national accounts); data dissemination, debt sustainability analysis and analytical tools.
Provide participants with an in-depth understanding of the international standards for the elaboration of External Debt Statistics (EDS) presented in the Guide for compilers and users 2013, as well as to offer a practical guide on data sources and techniques applied to such statistics, and on the analysis of data, accounting relevant developments in the global financial market.
Aimed at
Officials from central banks of Latin America and the Caribbean and other institutions that participate in the compilation and/or analysis of External Debt Statistics and/or International Investment Position statistics (IIP).
Jesús Cervantes González
Directorate of Economic Statistics