Disponible en Español

Seminar on Remittances and Migration

Madrid, Spain
November 20 - 22, 2024

The seminar was held jointly between CEMLA and Banco de España (BE) and took place from November 20 to 22, 2024 at the BE facilities in the city of Madrid. The main objective of the seminar was to promote the exchange of ideas and experiences between participating countries on different aspects of remittances, migration and financial inclusion, particularly among remittance-receiving economies. At the seminar, 24 exhibitions were presented that were grouped into 11 thematic blocks.

The seminar agenda was made up of presentations by specialists from central banks, international organizations, universities and the remittance industry who covered various aspects on migration and remittances. The seminar began reviewing aspects of Latin American emigration, the measurement of remittances and the sending of remittances to Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as methodological aspects in the compilation of remittances and the evolution of remittance payment methods.

The event continued with an analysis of the income and living standards of Latin American migrants in destination countries, in particular in the United States. The topics of remittances and financial inclusion, remittances and gender and economic development in remittance-receiving regions were subsequently addressed.

The seminar concluded with presentations on the role of surveillance and supervision of the sending of remittances by financial institutions and the presentation of new initiatives in the fields of remittances and migration.

There were 38 participants representing 13 central banks from Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe, as well as several international organizations and universities.


  • Jesús Cervantes González, CEMLA
  • Juan Antonio Ortega, CEMLA
  • Cristina Casaseca, INE España
  • Esther López, Banco de España
  • María Pía Cobián, Banco de España
  • Juan Fernando Izaguirre Silva, Consejo Monetario Centroamericano
  • Víctor Estuardo Flores Súchite, Banco de Guatemala
  • Diego Alberto Sandoval Herrera, Banco de la República (Colombia)
  • Diana López, Banco Central de Chile
  • Joerg Feuerhake, Deutsche Bundesbank
  • Laura Priscila Rubín de Celis, Banco Central de Bolivia
  • Brenda Mercedes Villanueva de Cardoza, Banco Central de la República Dominicana
  • Ana Morocho Guayasamín, Banco Central del Ecuador
  • Flor Margarita Alas Alas, Banco Central de Reserva de El Salvador
  • Peggy Barrantes Pereira, Banco Central de Costa Rica
  • Sindy Mireya Aguilar Escalante, Banco Central de Honduras
  • América Buitrago Núñez, Banco Central de Honduras
  • Ericka Galo Galo, Banco Central de Honduras
  • Eduardo Levy Witzman, Elektra
  • Martín Tobal, Banco de México
  • Sabith Khan, California Lutheran University
  • Pedro Burgos Congosto, Comisión de Prevención de Blanqueo de Capitales e Infracciones Monetarias (España)
  • Alicia Varela Donoso, Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa de España
  • Ana de Vicente Lancho, Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa de España
  • Javier Paredes Bordegé, Ministerio de Economía, Comercio y Empresa de España