National Workshop on Sustainable Funding Strategy
From July 21st to 28th, 2014, the Ministry of Finance of Honduras with the support of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), through its Public Debt Management Capacity Building Program (PDP), undertook the National Workshop on Sustainable Funding Strategy. The technical objective was to promote a strategy consistent with the current macroeconomic framework and its outlook. The strategy is contained in a preliminary report that includes the following: a risks and portfolio analysis; a debt sustainability analysis; and a medium term debt strategy. Likewise, the workshop was designed to improve knowledge and to enhance the capacity of the Ministry of Finance, Central Bank and Presidency officials in the subjects of debt sustainability analysis and debt strategy.
The Workshop opening was attended by CEMLA officials: Lic. Dalmir Louzada (Deputy General Director of CEMLA) and Lic. Jaime Coronado (PDP Coordinator). It also counted with the presence of Lic. Manuel Bautista (Vice-president of Honduras Central Bank) and Ing. Sammy Castro (Public Credit General Director).