October 12, 2018
LIII Meeting of Governors of Latin America, Spain
and the Philippines at the IMF-World Bank
and CVI Meeting of Central Bank Governors of CEMLA
On October 11, were held the LIII Meeting of Governors of Latin America, Spain and the Philippines at the IMF-World Bank, and the CVI Meeting of Central Bank Governors of CEMLA, in Bali, Indonesia. CEMLA was represented by Fernando Tenjo Galarza, General Director and Dalmir Louzada, Deputy General Director. In the first meeting, governors, their representatives, and other invited participants attended the lecture of Tobias Adrian, Financial Counsellor and Director of the Monetary and Capital Markets Department of the IMF, on the Integrated Framework of Policies. In addition, was launched the book “Inflation Targeting and Financial Stability: A Perspective from the Developing World”, by Dr. Luiz Pereira, Deputy General Manager, BIS, and Professor Pierre-Richard Agénor, published by BIS-CEMLA.
During the second meeting, governors, their representatives, and special guests participated in the lectures of Pablo Hernández de Cos, Governor of Banco de España, Juan José Echeverría, General Manager of Banco de la República (Colombia), and Stephen Murchison, Governor’s Adviser of Bank of Canada, on World Economic and Financial Outlook; and of Verónica Rappoport, Second Vice-president and member of Board of Banco Central de la República Argentina on the Topics under Discussion at the G20.
In addition to these meetings, CEMLA’s Board of Governors Meeting was held, where the Program of Activities and Budget for 2019 were approved and the 2018 Rodrigo Gómez Central Bank Award was granted. Along the same lines, the governors participated in the CEMLA’s Assembly.