October 12, 2018
Winner of the Central Bank Award
Rodrigo Gómez 2018
CEMLA’s Board of Governors decided to grant the 2018 Central Bank Award Rodrigo Gómez to Mariano Joaquín Palleja, for his study entitled “Conditional Exchange Rate Pass-through: A DSGE Model Approach”. Considering that the potential existence of an endogeneity issue can direct to misleading conclusions when assessing exchange rate pass-through as a nonconditional phenomenon, the author estimates a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model for two economies, aiming to analyze to what extent the coefficients of pass-through, which are significantly different a priori, are either driven by structural discrepancies or by differences in the shocks each economy faces. As per this research, evidence suggests that the latter effect predominates. The author holds a Master degree in Economics (thesis pending) by Universidad de San Andrés and currently is studying a PhD. in Economics at University of California-Los Angeles. He previously worked as economist in the Research Department at Banco Central de la República Argentina.
In addition, the Board of Governors thanks Ángel Estrada, Coordinator of the Deputy Direction General for International Affairs, Banco de España; Isabel Horta Correia, Head of Economics and Research Department, Banco de Portugal; Gilles Noblet, Deputy Director General for International and European Relations, European Central Bank; and Juan Pablo Medina, Assistant Professor, Economics, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez (Chile), for their contribution, as members of the panel of judges, to the success of this edition of the Rodrigo Gómez Award.