Board of Governors 2019-2021
Last April 30, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, CEMLA´s Assembly elected the new Board of Governors for the period 2019 to 2021. This new Board is formed by Guido Sandleris, President, Banco Central de la República Argentina, John A. Rolle, Governor, The Central Bank of The Bahamas; Roberto Campos, Governor, Banco Central do Brasil; Irma Martínez, President, Banco Central de Cuba; Mr. Wilfredo Cerrato, President, Banco Central de Honduras; Alejandro Díaz de León Carrillo, Governor, Banco de México; and Juan José Echavarría, Governor, Banco de la República, of Colombia, who was elected to chair the Board by its members.
The members of the Board invited, as special consultants, the Banco de España and the Bank of Canada to be part of the Board.