Meetings of Central Bank Legal Advisors
XIV Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
October 9–11, 2019, Asuncion, Paraguay -
XIII Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
October 11–13, 2017, Buenos Aires, Argentina -
XII Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
June 24–26, 2015, Lima, Peru -
XI Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
October 23–25, 2013, Santiago, Chile -
X Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
February 15–18, 2011, Cebu, Philippines -
IX Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
May 18–20, 2009, Bogotá Colombia
VIII Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
June 27–29, 2007, Madrid, Spain -
VII Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
September 21–23, 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina -
VI Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
Octuber 2003, Lima, Peru -
V Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
August 23–25, 2000, La Paz, Bolivia -
IV Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
October 13–15, 1999, Río de Janeiro, Brazil III Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors
Del 26 al 28 de agosto de 1998; Mexico City, Mexico