Remittance Papers
This series includes non-periodical and numbered papers in Spanish or English. The papers in this series are descriptive and analytical about short-term economic and other issues of interest related to remittances, in particular, to Latin America and the Caribbean; written by researchers from CEMLA as well as some guest researchers. The emphasis of the papers is on the recent developments and prospects of the topics analyzed. The development of the topics may include comparative studies between countries in the region or case studies, among others.
The selection of documents published in this series is internal. Before publication, the documents are subject to editorial review. The distribution is free through the CEMLA's website.
¿Simplificar agregando o entender separando? Descomposición y comparación de series de tiempo relacionadas con la emigración de Brasil
Remittance Papers 4
René A. Maldonado
October 2016
Ingreso de México por remesas familiares proveniente de los estados de Estados Unidos
Remittance Papers 3
Jesús A. Cervantes González y Anahí Rodríguez Martínez
May 2015
Propiedad de la vivienda en Estados Unidos de la población inmigrante de origen
latinoamericano y del Caribe
Remittance Papers 2
Jesús A. Cervantes González y Anahí Rodríguez Martínez
June 2014
La migración latinoamericana de género femenino a Estados Unidos y las remesas
Remittance Papers 1
Jesús A. Cervantes González
June 2014