Technical Meetings
Technical meetings are held periodically, usually every two years, with those in charge of the different specialized areas in the central banks of the region, and also the growing participation of the collaborating central banks and, occasionally, representatives from international agencies and the private sector. Their objective is mainly the dissemination among the participants of new professional developments and best practices, in order to keep them updated in their activities. They are complemented with exchanges of experiences about the introduction of improvements or the management of specific issues in the participating institutions, while contributing to strengthen the network of mutual support among the concurrence, which represents an important added value.
Technical meetings have been part of the Center's activities since its inception. In fact, the very project that took shape at the birth of CEMLA was forged at the Meeting of Central Bank Technicians of the American Continent, whose purpose was to promote cooperation among the central banks of the countries of the continent.
Meetings have served to strengthen the links between associated central banks and collaborators, thus favoring cooperation and the dissemination of specialized knowledge and the exchange of practical experiences, with a view to improving the work of institutions. These meetings are held at a managerial level on issues directly related to the specialized areas, trying to include in their agendas the frontier issues in each of the different areas, in close connection with the core work of central banking. In this sense, it could be said that the technical meetings serve as a forum for diffusion and discussion that generates professional networks specialized in various central banking topics.
In some of these areas, the emergence of joint projects or initiatives led to the creation of specialized Committees. The Committees were originally constituted at the suggestion of the technical meetings with those responsible for the corresponding areas.