Disponible en Español
Meeting on Document and Archives Management at Central Banks
October 5 - 8, 2021
October 5
Opening of the Meeting
Representatives of the Bank of Spain
Representatives of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA)
Presentation of the objectives of the Meeting
Mr. Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General. Deputy Director-General of the Bank of Spain
Panel 1
Experiences of different central banks on the consequences arising from Covid-19 in different aspects of central bank performance, such as: document management, digitization, electronic administration, information integrity, archiving, etc.
Moderator and panelist:
Mrs. Sandra González. Head of the Information Management office of the Quality Department. Banco Central de Costa Rica
Mrs. María de Inclán. Head of the Archives and Document Management Division. Banco de España
Mr. Héctor Manuel Alvarado Ballén. Director Departamento Gestión Documental. Banco de la República
October 6
External Expert Conference
Technological change and digital revolution. How is the market adapting to the new reality and what are the main trends in the future?
D. Sergi Calvet Ceballos. Managing Director. Accenture
Panel 2
Different participants from Central Banks will present their experiences on technological and digital change and how the change to electronic procedures is affecting our institutions.
Moderator: Mrs. Ana Calleja. Head of Document Management and Policy Unit. Banco de España
Mr. Wagner Aparecido Romero. Coordinator on the Documentation Subdivision. Banco Central do Brasil
Mr. Jose Chaves. Director of the Quality Management Department. Banco Central de Costa Rica
Mr. Miguel Pichardo. Secretario. Banco Central República Dominicana
October 7
Panel 3
Some actions carried out by the Central Banks in the field of institutional transparency. Examples of different actions on access to public information by central banks
Moderator: Mr. Roberto Marino. Advisor to the director general. CEMLA
Mrs. Marisa Boronat. Head of the Governance and Transparency Division and Data Protection Delegate. Banco de España
Mrs. Mª Teresa Muñoz Aramburu, Banco de México
Mrs. María del Carmen Bernini. Alternate Responsible for Access to Public Information. Banco Central de la República Argentina
Panelist: Mr. Julián Pablo Giglio Santamaría. Head of the Access to Public Information team. Banco Central de la República Argentina
Round table on evaluation and conclusions of the Meeting
As a closing of the event, a Round Table will be held with representatives of different central banks, in order to assess the different presentations made and reach the appropriate conclusions
Panelist: Mr. Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General. Deputy Director-General of the Bank of Spain
Panelist: Mrs. Débora Sztarcsevszky; Gerente de Área, Secretaría General. Banco Central del Uruguay
Mrs. Sandra González. Head of the Information Management office of the Quality Department. Banco Central de Costa Rica
Closing of the Meeting
Representatives of the Banco de España. Mr. Jaime Herrero, Deputy Secretary General. Deputy Director-General.
Representatives of the Central Bank of Costa Rica. Mrs. Sandra González. Head of the Information Management office of the Quality Department.
Representatives of the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA). Mr. Roberto Marino. Advisor to the director general
Jaime Herrero
Banco de España
Deputy General Secretary and Associate Director General of the Banco de España, and Deputy Secretary to the Governing Council and the Executive Commission. He holds a degree in Law from Universidad de Salamanca. Short-cycle graduate in Public and Budget Accounting. Lawyer and Auditor. IESE Senior Management Programme. He joined the Banco de España as Legal Counsel, after which he held different positions, including Deputy Director of the Legal Service and Director of the Technical Secretariat. He is an expert in different central bank and financial supervisory areas and is or has been responsible for such areas in the Banco de España. These include governance of public institutions and functioning of their governing bodies; transparency and access to information; internal compliance and compliance with ethical codes; documentary policy and e-administration; and corporate social responsibility. In the financial and banking area, he has been responsible for financial institutions’ authorisation processes and registrations, corporate governance control, bank crisis management and prevention of money laundering. He is a professor at, inter alia, the Judicial School and the Centre for Legal Studies of the Ministry of Justice, and is a regular speaker at various renowned national and international fora.
Roberto Marino
Advisor to the director general of CEMLA. In 2011 and 2012, Roberto Marino was The Special Representative for the Presidency of the G20 in Mexico. Its main functions were to promote an open dialogue with non-G20 countries, international and regional organizations, the private sector, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and other members of civil society. Until mid-2011, Mr. Marino was Manager of International Affairs at the Bank of Mexico. In the early nineties, he was executive director representing Mexico, Spain, Venezuela and Central America on the IMF's executive board, actively participating in the debates on the economic prospects of the Mexican economy, the design of adjustment programs, issues of over-indebtedness in Latin America, fiscal consolidation and banking crisis, among other topics. He has also been a senior fellow at the German Development Institute, where he conducted research on the IMF's pre-emptive lending facilities.
Mr. Marino undertook doctoral studies in Economics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and earned his bachelor's degree in Economics from the Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM).
Sandra González
Banco de Costa Rica
30 years of working for the Central Bank
Head of the Information Management office of the Quality Department
This office is responsible for document management in the archive administration phase, we also manage the Intranet, web, extranet and email platforms as part of the Document Management System.
María Inclán
Banco de España
Head of the Archives and Document Management Division. She holds a degree in Geography and History, specialist in Medieval History from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Master in Archives from Archivo Histórico Nacional, Spain. Master in Cultural Management, Tourism, Heritage and Nature from Instituto Universitario Ortega y Gasset and Program for Management Development in Public Administration from ESADE Business School.
She worked as archivist at the Archivo Histórico Nacional and at the Spanish Parliament between 1994 and 1997, between 1997 and 1999 she worked as information specialist at FAES Foundation. From 1999 until 2005 she worked as senior consulting expert in record management for the consulting firm Indra. Since 2005 she is working at Banco de España, first as specialist in document management, later as Head of Record Management Unit and since 2013 as Head of the Archives and Document Management Division.
She is an expert in archives, projects management, record management, electronic administration and digital transformation. She is the author of several articles and speeches. Mentor in different programs focusing her collaboration in the Transforma España program.
Héctor Manuel Alvarado Ballén
Banco de la República (Colombia)
Héctor Manuel Alvarado Ballén is specialist in Computer Law and New Technologies (Universidad Externado de Colombia); He is currently director of the Department of Document Management at Banco de la República.
He is a Lawyer from the Universidad la Gran Colombia and for four years, he has also been manager of the Implementation Project of the Corporate Content Manager - iConecta (By Open Text) at Banco de la República.
Sergi Calvet Ceballos
Telecomunications Engineer with more than 20 years of experience in the banking and insurance sectors for the top financial institutions in Spain. Relevant experience & expertise advising major clients in IT Strategy, Cloud Transformation, IT Operating Models, Enterprise Architectures and IT Value Realization.
Currently leading Technology Strategy and Advisory practice and Cloud Strategy and Advisory initiatives in Accenture for Spain, Portugal and Israel. Responsible on assess, define & orchestrate IT and Cloud initiatives aligned best practices and business transformation models for different industries (banking, insurance, consumer good, travel, etc.).
Relevant experiences defining IT Strategy Plans for Financial Institutions (AS-IS, TO-BE, Roadmap and investments plan) or collaborating as SME for the operating model, tech architecture and infrastructure areas.
Experience on deployment of Complex IT Transformation Programs assuming different roles (solution architect, delivery lead, infrastructure and architecture SME…) in the cloud, operations and architecture fields.
Ana Calleja
Banco de España
Head of Document Management and Policy Unit. She holds a degree in Documentation from Universidad de Alcalá de Henares de Madrid and Master of Research in Scientific Documentation and PhD dissertation from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. ESADE Executive Development Programme. She joined the Banco de España as Head of Historical and General Archive Unit. Currently, she is Head of Document Management and Policy Unit. She has been part of the management of the Archive Service of the Firm Ernst & Young Spain in the areas of archive management, training, development and implementation of the Document Management System (Documentum). She was associate professor at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.
Wagner Aparecido Romero
Banco Central do Brasil
Degree in economics from the University of Sao Paulo.
Currently, he is Coordinator in the Documentation Division of Banco do Brasil (BC). He is also working on the development / evolution of BC’s electronic records and document management System.
José Chaves
Banco Central de Costa Rica
Industrial Engineering.
13 years of experience in the Central Bank of Costa Rica, he is currently serving as Director of the Quality Management Department.
- Main achievements and actions in the BCCR:
- - Integrate the quality and internal control systems of the Organization
- - Orient the organization towards a service and process approach
- - Design and implement a comprehensive customer service strategy
- - Based on good practices, strengthen the Bank's document management model.
- - Promote the use of disruptive tools to strengthen transparency and access to information by citizens.
Miguel Pichardo
Banco Central de la República Dominicana
Bachelor of Laws from Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo (UCSD). Master in Business Law and Economic Legislation and also in Economic Regulation Law. He works at the Central Bank of the Dominican Republic since 1999, currently serving as Secretary of the Bank, where he has also held the positions of Technical Consultant and Deputy Secretary. During his career at the Central Bank he also served as Technical Advisor in the Department of Payment Systems. He has taken courses in document management at the General Archives of the Nation in the Dominican Republic and Colombia, and has also completed internships, participated in international meetings and training on Project and Electronic Document Management among others in several Central Banks. Professor at the Department of Law and International Relations of the University of the Caribbean (UNICARIBE). He has elaborated research work in the areas pertaining International and Banking Law, among which are the New Law of the Sea and its Importance for the Dominican Republic and Regulatory Standards for the Operation of Representative Offices of Foreign Banks in the Dominican Republic, as well as lectured on the Project of Adequacy of Documentary Management in the BCRD and Importance of Documentary Management in the BCRD. In addition, he worked for more than six years in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Dominican Republic.
Mª Luisa Boronat
Banco de España
Head of the Governance and Transparency Division and Data Protection Delegate of the Banco de España. She holds a degree in Law from the Complutense University of Madrid. Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management from the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid. Short-cycle graduate in Legal Practice from Universidad Pontificia Comillas-ICADE. Privacy and Data, Security and Cybersecurity Programme by the Instituto de Empresa.
She joined the Banco de España as a Technician in 1989, working as Legal Advisor since 1993. Before becoming head of the Governance and Transparency Division and Data Protection Delegate, she was head of the Litigation Unit of the Legal Department. She is a specialist in the Banco de España's areas of action related to public transparency, personal data protection and administrative and court proceedings. She is a lecturer at the Nebrija University, as well as a regular speaker at various national and international forums of renowned prestige.
Mª Teresa Muñoz Aramburu
Banco de México
Teresa Muñoz is a lawyer, graduated from the Escuela Libre de Derecho. She completed her master's degree in International Economic Law at the University of Warwick in the United Kingdom.
Her professional career has been developed mainly in the Bank of Mexico. She has been in charge of the international legal area, in which she participated in the negotiation of various chapters of financial and investment services of various international treaties celebrated by Mexico. Subsequently, she was in charge of the Transparency Unit of the Bank of Mexico and is currently in charge of the Directorate of Central Banking Provisions, in which she participates in the implementation of the resolution processes that may be presented in multiple banking institutions.
Her academic activities include teaching the course of Legal Regime of International Financial Organizations, in the Escuela Libre de Derecho as well as the course of International Organizations in Trade Matters, in the Master’s in Law, in the same institution.
Mª del Carmen Bernini
Banco Central de la República Argentina
María del Carmen Bernini graduated as a lawyer from Universidad de Buenos Aires in 1985.
She has been working at the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) since 1976. From June 22, 2017 to date, she has been serving as Alternate Responsible for Access to Public Information, currently reporting to the General Management Office.
She gave a presentation on the “New Legislation on Access to Public Information in Argentina” at the XIII Meeting of Central Bank Legal Advisors” (CEMLA/BCRA; Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 11-13, 2017).
Julián Pablo Giglio Santamaría
Banco Central de la República Argentina
Julián Pablo Giglio Santamaría graduated as a lawyer from Universidad de Buenos Aires. He has been working at the Central Bank of Argentina (BCRA) since 1998.
His current duties are related to compliance with Law No. 27,275 on the Right of Access to Public Information since its implementation in September 2017: first as Chief Lawyer of the Legal Research Senior Management Office, and currently, as Head of the Access to Public Information team.
This team is under the scope of the Board of Directors Secretariat, and processes all requests for information made to the BCRA as an institution bound to provide public information.
Débora Sztarcsevszky
Banco Central del Uruguay
Secretaría General Manager at Central Bank of Uruguay
Lawyer degree graduated from University of the Republic of Uruguay
Master in Law with emphasis in Commercial Law from University of the Republic of Uruguay