V Meeting of the Financial Information Forum of Latin American and the Caribbean Central Banks
Lima, Peru, 28 and 29 May 2019
The V edition of the Financial Information Forum (FIF), was held in Lima, Perú, on 28 and 29 May 2019. It was attended by 46 representatives from 17 countries from Latin American, the Caribbean and Europe (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Germany, Honduras, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America), including associates and collaborating members.
The V Meeting was aimed at knowing and sharing regional and international experiences about: financial technologies and new information needs, new sources of information for designing monetary, financial and macroprudential policy, financial information infrastructures based on microdata, efforts to strengthen information sharing and dissemination, and the statistical developments and challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Session 1. Financial technologies and new information needs
The Meeting begun with the presentation by Serafín Martínez who presented the results from a survey on Fintech in Latin America and the Caribbean elaborated by members of the CEMLA’s Fintech Forum. He talked about the speed of technological changes that are driving a disruptive impact in the financial services industry. Financial technologies have reached the vast majority of the financial industry. The new participants, the new way of offering services and products, the new form of connection between incumbents and the new entrants, frame what is probably a modification of the financial market as an all. He also mentioned that relevant authorities have been focused on what can be a new reality for financial stability and financial supervision Current regulation may be subject to significant changes to ensure that fintech companies comply with the premises of safety, competition and efficiency that the traditional financial sector has consolidated over years. The importance of use of information, new sources of information, exchange of information and its management is very important, and a big challenge of new technologies is to manage information like artificial intelligence.
Bruno Tissot’s presentation was about Fintech, its importance, impact and the increased of policy attention among financial groups. He also mentioned the opportunities and risks and the need of regulation that the fintech phenomenon represents. General aspects on fintech data issues were presented like: data sets, statistical treatments, statistical frameworks, information management, governance, information needs, general statistics framework and the interaction between policy and statistics, stressing that information on fintech can be collected by various authorities and data gaps can affect various statistical areas. Finally, he presented five main initiatives to close data gaps: i) statistical frameworks, ii) new techniques and sources, iii) data collections; iv) use of fintech, and v) enhanced cooperation. He stressed the importance of global cooperation.
Milton Vega, started his presentation mentioning the definition of Fintech and the impact of Fintech services specially in the financial sector stressing that they are efficient and rapid evolving and in many cases disruptive innovation that change not only the business model but also the structure of the financial market, its importance in developing countries to provide financial services to population that are outside the financial system. Mr. Vega presented the different strategies adopted to face the fintech startups in Perú. In the same vein, mentioned the risks associated to fintech and lack of regulation. He also mentioned that in the case of Peru there is not a specific regulatory framework for fintech and he presented the efforts of the central bank to gather information of fintech operations.
Session 2. New sources of information for designing monetary, financial and macroprudential policies
Susan McIntosh talked about the evolution of house wealth in the US. First, she made the case for the importance of such a measure. She went into talking about measuring the market value for residential. Zillow, provided data free of charge, helpful in working with the FRB, widely known in the US. Automatic value model, which has as a source of data from tax records when sales occurs plus rich local data. Thousands of models are estimated. Coverage issues prevents them from simply summing Zillow’s AVM estimates to compute the aggregate housing wealth. AVM overcomes known biases of prior estimates; AVM splits the difference between owner reports and AVM measure is a currently Enhanced Financial Account.
Marco Vega using web scrapping to use online real state listings for monetary policy. The authors get data from real state listings, retail prices, job listings online markets. Bigdata analysis for monetary policy: effectiveness of central bank communication, exchange rate forecasting, dollarization of real state prices, online prices and prices rigidities, real state dynamics and monetary policy. Information on real state data: price, currency, geographic location, type of property, property’s key features. Data is permanently monitored and cleaned. The authors can evaluate the duration of monetary policy announcements on prices.
Juan Peñalosa, New answers for old questions: new information sources for the design of monetary, financial and macroprudential policy. The financial environment is increasingly complicated: low inflation, low growth, negative rates, greater volatility. It is necessary to understand better the inflation dynamics and monetary policy in a new financial environment. CSPP. The GFC showed that the mandate on the microdata on loans, values, money markets, corporate balance sheet allow to observe the mechanisms of implementation of monetary policy. The data cross validations ask for an eclectic approach. Data analytics: there are difficulties to develop these tools expertise in a central bank.
Federica Ciocchetta’s presentation was on data for financial stability. It is important to closely monitor the evolution of vulnerabilities to prevent the buildup of financial fragilities. The implementation of appropriate indicators requires good data. European initiatives: Finrep and Corep, AnaCredit, securities holdings. The framework for reporting has been developed by the European Banking authority. Analytical Credit was launched in 2011. Includes Real estate markets, the ESRB made recommendations on real state data gaps. The ESRB recommendations includes a common set of indicators that national macroprudential authorities should monitor. Banca d ’Italia developed an indicator to identify systemic banking vulnerabilities stemming from rapid credit developments in the housing sector. The presenter stressed that a harmonized definition is important to have comparability across European countries.
Session 3. Financial information infrastructures based on microdata
José Miguel Villena, presented the initiative on trade repositories (TR) for derivatives at Banco de Chile. The TR’s functions are: collection, storage and dissemination of information on the financial conditions of derivatives. Banco de Chile decided to host the TR for derivatives at the central banks instead of hosting it at a private company. The objectives are: A interdisciplinary team was formed: statistics, financial policy, legal and information technology. IOSCO developed a framework for data harmonization in order to be able to exchange information and to make it compatible across regions. Thanks to the FIF, it was possible for a team from BD to visit Banco de Mexico, Bank of England, the ECB among others. The coverage is for banks, supervised financial institutions, corporate sector. There is going to be a web portal which will be the centralized entry point.
Juan Fernando Avila presented the Trade Repositories (TR) for derivative transactions in Mexico. Banco de Mexico gathers microdata on derivatives since the 1990’s. 12 principles of the 24 PFMIs apply to the TR. Consolidating a TR in Banco de Mexico would enable the possibility of completing the information of market participants. In order to obtain information from other jurisdictions it is necessary to stablish rules for the exchange of information. It is necessary to adopt unique identifiers to facilitate the aggregation of transactions from the same entity across jurisdictions. Banco de Mexico has access to derivatives data from: investment funds, pension funds, other financial institutions. The usages of the data consist of: monitoring the functioning of the market, detail of all derivatives. The agenda still involves some important steps.
Rocío Gondo, presented the case of the Banco Central de la Reserva del Perú (BCRP) the motivation, methodology and results of the study to measure the impact of the De-dollarization Program implemented by the BCPR, on the dollarization ratio of credit to private firms in order to reduce their exposure to currency risks.
Remigio Echeverría presented the ECB’s approach to the use microdata for micro and macro prudential policies instead of using aggregated data. The statistics used at the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) involved the reinforcement of the data infrastructure. This change involved the recompilation of millions of records, new IT systems, algorithm driven quality control. Before the use of Legal Entity Identifier (LEI), the ESCB used a database with all the institutions and affiliates (RIAD). An additional relevant project was the Centralized Securities Database (CSDB) which includes security by security reference information and prices on debt securities, equities and mutual funds shares/units. Another project was the Securities Holdings Statistics Database (SHSDB) quarterly data at market or nominal value by investor. This is done at the global level. The Analytical Credit Dataset (AnaCredit) aims to give users a comprehensive and consistent overview. Money Market Statistical Reporting (MMSR) repos, unsecured, FX swaps. Euro short term rate: the ECB decided to take action as benchmark rates have an important anchoring role for contracts in financial markets. The EMIR (derivatives transactions) project collects granular information on derivatives concluded on the EU market including 125 dimensions, daily valuation, collateral. This information is very useful for supervisors. Supervisory data: individual and consolidated financial data on credit institutions and investment firms including own funds, LCR, leverage ratio, net stable funding ratio.
Luis Dias Teles presented the Banco do Portugal balance sheet database which is a reliable source of information with data quality assurance procedures for statistical use. Sector tables are for the general public, whereas the enterprise and sector tables are for available for the people which has a company. The new sector tables have more than 5300 combinations of sector economic activity and size class. It has interactive dashboards. Now each company can compare itself with any sector economic activity and any size class. A dissemination and promotion plan were developed to reach new users.
Stefan Bender, presented the microdata model at the Deutsche Bundesbank, The Bundesbank has data on Banks, Companies, households and securities, which are connected. 280 individual sources of data, even incorporating external data. The Bundesbank has launched an initiative called Integrated MicroData-based Information and Analysis System (IMIDIAS), granular data become more important for assessing monetary and regulatory policy. Knowledge life cycle: data service->research->publications->user specific knowledge->data service. Improving Data Quality with Machine Learning (Tobias Cagala S5), support the compilers. Machine Learning and data linkage (Christopher-Johannes Schild). He went later on to present the work Building a dataset recommendation engine. Researchers use microdata to produce publications, no structured knowledge flows back to data producers. The goal is to make knowledge generated in the research process usable. What is the added value of microdata for research? Dataset impact factor (Research data is a public good, show outcome to justify societal investment), have something like Amazon’s recommendations.
Eloísa Ortega, Central de Riesgos del Banco de España. In 2013 Banco de España issued regulation for the creation of the Central Credit Register. Reasons: widen the role of credit registries in the lending market beyond traditional supervision of credit institutions, to strengthen its use for the proper conduct of macroprudential supervision. To overcome the lack of sufficiently disaggregated information. In 2017 there was a modification to harmonized with the ECB reporting requirements. The jump from 1995 to 2013 was considerable and implied a change from aggregated to granular data. There was an important increase in quality details and there was an increase in the number of borrowers and of the total exposure and deepening of disaggregation in the time series. The management of granular data represented an important challenge: size of databases, increased number of data involved in the information exchange, increased amount of data quality feedback, increase in the number of data correction, need to decide the transition model, need to decide on the substitution or adaptation of the IT systems. Multiple areas involved in the granular reporting, difficulties in obtaining new attributes for already existing instruments, identification of the borrower could also be a problem, risk of overburden of reporting requirements, essential to share understanding of definitions. The issues related to data quality management are: Involves an increase in the level of details requested, data quality control is very different in the granular reporting, reconciliation of granular data with aggregated data.
Special session: INEGI’S experience on the interinstitutional information sharing among government agencies
Manuel Cuellar, from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) of Mexico, presented about the interinstitutional information sharing among government agencies, among others, legal and institutional setting, interinstitutional information exchange examples, improving information management and main takeaways.
Session 4. Efforts to strengthen information sharing and dissemination
Carmen Gloria Escobar explained the scheme of information exchange in Chile and discussed about the official communication vehicles with other entities (MOU). In 2018 the CBC created a new division which is called the Institutional Affairs with the aim of leading a new communication approach in tune with the design of a comprehensive communication strategy. The statistics division will work on a thematic catalogue that facilitates the statistical search concepts. The CBC also published online a course on monetary and financial statistics. Also works on workshops for journalists and universities all part of a new strategy to bring statistics close to users. Access options include: Website, statistics database, digital reporting, database mobile app, web services and they also have a users’ committee.
Juan Fernando Avila, presented the recent development of a Data Room hosted at Banco de México. The bank has two types of micro data: individual transactions (repos, derivatives, etc.) and traditional banking (loans, interbank, term deposits, etc.). The cost of maintaining low granularity data is high but it offers the following advantages: flexibility and opportunity. Banco de México considered the creation of a Data Room to share granular data for both internal and external users. Given the granular information for analysis by regulators and researchers, various efforts have been undertaken to improve the management and dissemination of this information. The Financial System Information Laboratory (LISF) will be operating by 2020. The list of possible users includes: employees of Banco de México, employees of other Financial Institutions, research graduates, other central banks researchers, etc. In principle will be a physical space for confidentiality and security issues. After the initial evaluation there could be other datasets put available.
Stefan Bender presented the RDSC initiative in which data is made available physically at the DBB. The center has 20 employees, 12 working places for guest researchers in Frankfurt, 2 in Dusseldorf. In 2018, around 120 proposals were received from which 73 were performed. The presenter also introduced the data lifecycle. There are important security procedures which ensure the continuity of the program. The researchers are contracted under specific arrangements depending on the data and their affiliation and sign a confidentiality agreement. Stefan also presented the INEXDA network initiative. Granular data is necessary to understand. The network comprises: Banca D ’Italia, Banque de France Bank of England, DBB, ECB, Banco de Chile, Banco de España, Bank of Turkey, Eurostat. The goal is to promote data sharing and data access, promote the G20 data gaps initiative II recommendation on promoting the exchange of granular data as well as metadata. The initiative has an inventory of data from all member institutions.
Luis Teles Dias described the scheme followed at Banco de Portugal for sharing data on corporate information. Central Balance Sheet Data (CBSO) and Simplified Corporate Information (IES). The presenter made the case for the existence of such a center: compilation of the components of the balance of payments, producing sectors benchmarks, updating business registries, etc. The IES is an innovative reporting system for corporate information that allows companies to fulfill 4 different reporting obligations to 4 distinct public entities. The main drivers for the development of IES were: increase in efficiency, improving the quality of statistics as a public good, minimizing the costs for the public administration, minimize the costs for the change. The involved agencies are: The Banco de Portugal (to compile the Balance of Payments data), the Ministry of Finance (for tax purposes), National Statistics Institute.
Finally, María Renée Oporto from the Central Bank of Bolivia (BCB), presented the initiative of the BCB to gather information related to the experiences of the central banks of the region in the use of free software. She presented the questionnaire designed between the BCB and the FIF Secretariat. The objective of this survey is to know the practices in the central banks that are members of CEMLA, as well as the advantages and challenges involved in the implementation and use of free software. The compiled information will be used by the Central Bank of Bolivia to prepare a short document on the results and can be shared later.
Welcome remarks
- Paul Castillo, Manager of Monetary Policy, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú
- Serafín Martínez-Jaramillo, Advisor, CEMLA
Session 1. Financial technologies and new information needs
Chair: Teresa Lamas, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú
- Bruno Tissot, Irving Fisher Committee
- Milton Vega Bernal, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú
Session 2. New sources of information for designing monetary, financial and macroprudential policies
Chair: Juan Fernando Ávila, Banco de México
- Marco Vega, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú
- Susan McIntosh, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Juan Peñalosa, Banco de España
- Federica Ciocchetta, Banca d’Italia
Session 3. Financial information infrastructures based on microdata (part I)
Chair: Susan McIntosh, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Gloria Peña, Banco Central de Chile
- Juan Fernando Ávila, Banco de México
- Rocío Gondo, Banco Central de Reserva del Perú
Session 3. Financial information infrastructures based on microdata (part II)
Chair: Gloria Peña, Banco Central de Chile
- Remigio Echeverria, European Central Bank
- Luis Dias, Banco de Portugal
- Stefan Bender, Deutsche Bundesbank
- Eloísa Ortega, Banco de España
Special session: INEGI´s experience on the interinstitutional information sharing among government agencies
Speaker: Manuel Cuéllar Río, Deputy Director General, Information Integration, National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI)
Session 4. Efforts to strengthen information sharing and dissemination (part I)
Chair: Juan Peñalosa, Banco de España
- Carmen Gloria Escobar, Banco Central de Chile
- Juan Fernando Ávila, Banco de México
Session 4. Efforts to strengthen information sharing and dissemination (part II)
Chair: Carlos Varela, Banco de la República (Colombia)
- Luis Dias, Banco de Portugal
- Stefan Bender, Deutsche Bundesbank
Session 5. Roundtable on the statistical developments and challenges in Latin America and the Caribbean
María Renée Oporto, Banco Central de Bolivia. Survey form: Experiences of Latin America and the Caribbean central banks in the usage of free software.
Chair: Serafín Martínez, CEMLA
Panelists (all delegations)
Conclusions and next steps for FIF
Chaired by the FIF Steering Committee.
The Forum of Financial Information of Latin American and Caribbean Central Banks (hereinafter the Financial Information Forum-FIF) was stablished in October 2014 by the Center for Latin American Monetary Studies (CEMLA), as a regional response for central banks' needs in identifying, monitoring and discussing common issues related to the improvement of financial information models in line with international efforts made in this field.
Since its implementation, five meetings have been held. The FIF is led by a Steering Committee, currently constituted with representatives of central banks of Mexico, Chile and Peru and CEMLA acts as the FIF Secretariat.
Serafín Martínez-Jaramillo
Advisor, CEMLA
Serafin Martinez-Jaramillo is a senior financial researcher at the Financial Stability General Directorate at Banco de México and currently he is an adviser at the CEMLA. His research interests include: financial stability, systemic risk, financial networks, bankruptcy prediction, genetic programming, multiplex networks and machine learning. Serafin has published book chapters, encyclopedia entries and papers in several journals like IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, Journal of Financial Stability, Neurocomputing, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Computational Management Science, Journal of Network Theory in Finance and some more. Additionally, he has co-edited two books and two special issues at the Journal of Financial Stability. Serafin holds a PhD in Computational Finance from the University of Essex, UK and he is member of the editorial board of the Journal of Financial Stability, the Journal of Network Theory in Finance and the Latin American Journal of Central Banking.
Bruno Tissot
Head of Statistics & Research Support. Head of Secretariat, Irving Fisher Committee on Central Bank Statistics (IFC). Monetary and Economic Department.
Bruno Tissot has been working at the BIS since 2001, as Senior Economist and Secretary to the Markets Committee of Central Banks in the Monetary and Economic Department and then as the Adviser to the General Manager and Secretary to the BIS Executive Committee. Between 1994 and 2001 he worked for the French Ministry of Finance. He is currently Head of BIS Statistics and Research Support and is a graduate from École Polytechnique (Paris) and of the French Statistical Office INSEE.
Susan Hume McIntosh
Principal Economist and Group Manager of the Financial Accounts Project Group.
Susan Hume McIntosh began her career at the U.S. Federal Reserve Board over 46 years ago. Except for a seven-year period where she was an assistant to one of the Governors of the Federal Reserve, she has been involved in Financial Accounts. She is currently a principal economist and group manager of the Financial Accounts project group. For the last 25 years she has been actively involved in a number of activities with international organizations. She has been a member of the Bureau for the OECD Working Party on Financial Accounts for 15 years. She has been involved in the IMF projects on Financial Soundness Indicators and on the G20 Data Gap Initiatives. Also, she has taught courses on monetary and financial statistics and balance sheets and provided technical assistance for the IMF. She represents the Federal Reserve Board on the Advisory Committee of CEMLA Financial Information Forum. She holds a Bachelor degree in Mathematics from the College of William and Mary and a MBA in Finance from The George Washington University.
Juan Peñalosa
Head of the Statistics Department, Bank of Spain.
Juan Peñalosa has been working at the Bank of Spain for more than 30 years. Before becoming head of the Statistics Department 6 years ago, Juan worked in Economics, first in the monetary policy area, in European affairs and finally in the field of macroeconomic forecasting. In the past Juan participated in different Eurosystem committees, such as the Monetary Policy Committee, the Accounting and Monetary Income Committee or the External Communications Committee. At present he is a member of the Statistics Committee, the EU Committee on Monetary, Financial and Balance of Payment Statistics, and the European Statistical Forum. He loves learning things and hates obscure statistical methodological jargon and the abuse of acronyms.
Federica Ciocchetta
Economist at the Financial Stability Directorate at the Bank of Italy.
Federica Ciocchetta is an Economist at the Financial Stability Directorate – Directorate General for Economics, Statistics and Research – at the Bank of Italy. Her main work interests concern the analysis of the Italian banking system and risk assessment of real estate markets. She got a degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Information and Communication Technology from the University of Trento (Italy). After that, she worked as a research fellow at the University of Edinburgh (UK) and at the University of Trento - Microsoft Research Centre for Computational and Systems Biology (Italy), carrying out research in stochastic modelling and statistical analysis of biological systems. She joined the Bank of Italy in 2012. From August 2016 to April 2017 she worked at the European Central Bank (ECB), Financial Stability Directorate, where she was involved in the financial stability surveillance in euro area countries, in particular for what concerns the real estate sector.
José Miguel Villena
Head of the Monetary and Financial Statistics, Central Bank of Chile.
José Miguel Villena is the head of the Monetary and Financial Statistics Department within the Statistics Division of the Central Bank of Chile since 2011. José Miguel studied Business Administration at the University of Chile and holds a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Adolfo Ibañez University. Previously, he was Head of the Foreign Exchange Statistics Department within the Statistics Division and prior to this he worked on the national and international money desks. Mr. Villena has extensive experience in the analysis and monitoring of financial markets and has published papers on derivatives and capital flows.
Remigio Echeverría
Head of the Securities and Financial Markets Data Division, European Central Bank.
Remigio Echeverría. Masters degree in Economic Sciences and Business Studies (University of Pais Vasco – Bilbao, Spain) and Masters degree in Law (University of Deusto – Bilbao, Spain). Postgrade master in Accounting and Auditing (University Autonoma – Madrid, Spain. In the early 90s he joined the International Department of Banco de España as Economist and collaborated as associate professor of international economics at the University Carlos III (Madrid, Spain). In 1997 he moved to Frankfurt (Germany) to work as Economist in the Monetary, Economic and Statistics Department of the European Monetary Institute, (EMI). Between 1998 and 2011, he worked as Principal Economist and Head of Section in the Balance of Payments and Macroeconomic Statistics Division at the European Central Bank (ECB), respectively, leading the teams responsible for balance of payments, financial accounts and government finance statistics. Between 2011 and 2015, he worked as Senior Adviser in the Directorate General Statistics of the ECB and was also a member of the Advisory Expert Group on National Accounts (AEG). In 2015 he was appointment Head of the External Statistics Division at the ECB. Since 2017 he is Head of the Securities and Financial Markets Data Division at the ECB. He has written several articles and prepared presentations for international seminars and workshops on statistics.
Luís Teles Dias
Deputy Director of the Statistics Department of Banco de Portugal.
Luis Teles Graduated in Organization and Business Management in 1982. Holds an MBA, major in Information Management, since 1996. Joined Banco de Portugal in 1983. Worked in the Statistics and Economic Research Department between 1983 and 1997 and in the Statistics Department since 1997. Head of Division in the Statistics Department between 2001 and 2008, responsible for Monetary and Financial Statistics and the Central Credit Register. Appointed Deputy Director of the Statistics Department in 2009.
Has an extensive experience since 2001 as a representative of Banco de Portugal in several national and international statistical fora. Current international representation includes, inter alia:
- Statistics Committee of the ESCB (European System of Central Banks)
- Chairperson of the STAP (Statistical Accessibility and Presentation Group) of the ESCB
- INEXDA (International Network of Exchanging Experiences on Statistical Handling of Granular Data)
- BIS Data Bank Expert Group
- Financial Information Forum of the CEMLA
Participation in numerous statistical cooperation and technical assistance initiatives with more than 25 national central banks.
- Member of the Portuguese Statistical Council (the Government body which oversees and coordinates the National Statistical System) since 2011.
- President of the Council of NOVA – Information Management School.
- Invited Lecturer at Universidad NOVA de Lisboa - Information Management School, in the Postgraduate Programme in Statistical Systems.
Stefan Bender
Head of the Research Data and Service Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Stefan Bender is Head of the Research Data and Service Center of the Deutsche Bundesbank. In addition, he is vice-chair of the German Data Forum (www.ratswd.de). Before joining the Deutsche Bundesbank, Bender was head of the Research Data Center (RDC) of the Federal Employment Agency at the Institute for Employment Research (IAB), which he has international established a research data centre including access to IAB data in the US (for example Berkeley, Harvard). Between 1/2017 and 4/2019 he was chair of INEXDA (the Granular Data Network). His research interests are data access, data quality, merging administrative, survey data and/or big data and record linkage. He has published over 100 articles in journals including the American Economic Review or the Quarterly Journal of Economics. More recently, he co-edited together with Julia Lane, Victoria Stodden and Helen Nissenbaum a volume on "Privacy, Big Data, and the Public Good: Frameworks for Engagement", which was published in 2014 by Cambridge University Press and –for example –discussed in Science.
Eloísa Ortega
Director of the Financial Reporting and CCR Department, Banco de España.
Eloísa Ortega joined the Directorate General of Financial Stability, Regulation and Resolution of the Banco de España in October 2015, where she is the Director of the Financial Reporting and CCR Department. She participated actively in the preparatory work for AnaCredit and in the implementation of this project at Banco de España. She is a member of the European Central Bank’s Statistics Committee and represents the Banco de España at the International Credit Reporting Committee, coordinated by the World Bank. Prior to that she pursued her career mostly in the Directorate General Economics, Statistics and Research where she held several posts of responsibility. She participated actively in the preparation of macroeconomic projections and in economic policy analysis for the Spanish economy. She has a PhD in Applied Economics from the Madrid Complutense University and a BA in Economics from the same university.
Manuel Cuéllar-Río
Deputy Director General of Information Integration at the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI-Mexico).
Manuel Cuéllar-Río is in charge of implementing an Information Management strategy covering Data Governance, Architecture, Security, Quality, and Interoperability. The main focus of the practice is statistical and geographical master data and data useful for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDGs) indicators, as defined by the Inter-Agency and Expert Group on Sustainable Development Goal indicators (IAEG-SDGs) and Mexico's National Sustainable Development Strategy. He has been working for INEGI since 2010, holding the positions of Director of Economic Statistics Integration and Director of the Institutional Archives System. In academia he was an assistant professor at Universidad del Mar, Campus Huatulco, Oaxaca. He holds a Master in Statistical Analysis (ABD) from the Center for Mathematical Research (CIMAT), and a Master in Economics from Western Illinois University, USA.
Carmen Gloria Escobar
Statistical Information Manager at the Central Bank.
Carmen Gloria Escobar is the Statistical Information Manager at the Central Bank since 2015. Ms. Escobar holds a bachelor’s degree in business from the University of Valparaíso and a Ph.D. in economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain. She joined the Central Bank in 2002 and worked in the Macroeconomic Statistics Management through 2015, initially as an economic analyst and later as Head of the Sectoral Section. In 2008, she was made Head of the National Accounts Department, and she then served as the Head of the Annual National Accounts Department from November 2011 to her current appointment.
María Renée Oporto Tórrez
Deputy Manager of the Monetary and Fiscal Sector of the Economic Policy Advisory, Central Bank of Bolivia (CBB). María Renée is the Deputy Manager of the Monetary and Fiscal Sector (since January 2018). Graduated in Economics from the Universidad Mayor de San Andrés and she holds a Master Degree in Financial Engineering by the Universidad Loyola, both in La Paz, Bolivia. She started to work al the CBB in 1987, she has held the position of Technician, Analyst and Head of the Statistics and Monetary Divisions.