Payments Week 2004
The Payments Week 2004 was hosted by the Banco Central de Costa Rica, from June 14-18, 2004 in San José, Costa Rica. Other sponsors were CEMLA, the Committee on Payment and Settlement Systems (CPSS) and the World Bank.
Following the same discussion format that was launched the previous year, the WGPS-LAC selected 3 topics of common interest to be thoroughly discussed with the view to identifying common areas of regional concern to be submitted to LAC central bank Governors for their consideration.
In addition, the Banco Central de Costa Rica organized a visit-workshop to its payment systems on the week of June 21.
Selected Presentation
CPSS-IOSCO Recommendations for Central Counterparties
Massimo Cirasino, The World Bank
Cross-Border Retail Payments
José Antonio García, CEMLA
Regional Integration Initiatives: Ideas for the Debate
Catiana García Kilroy, Asesora del BCCR
Available only in Spanish
Innovations in Retail Payments
Marc Hollanders, Bank for International Settlements
New Developments in Large Value Payment Systems
Martina Glaser, Swiss National Bank
Infrastructure for Retail Cross-Border Payments
Carlos Melegatti Sarlo, Banco Central de Costa Rica
Available only in Spanish
Results of the Survey of Settlement of Foreing Exchange Transactions in Latin America and the Caribbean
Joaquín Bernal R., Banco de la República (Colombia)
Available only in Spanish
Status Report on the WHF. Improving Financial Sector. Infrastructure in LAC
Massimo Cirasino and Mario Guadamillas, The World Bank
The New Oversight Provisions of the Bank of Italy
Massimo Doria, Bank of Italy
The Role of Central Banks in Retail Payments
Marc Hollanders, Bank for International Settlements
The Working Group on Payment System Issues of Latin America and th Caribbean
Joaquin Bernal (Banco de la República) y José Antonio García (CEMLA)